Brighart for brighter art

    Brighart and

    Share Human Creativity

    (In het Engels)

    Share Human Creativity is an ode to creativity. SHC captures the perspectives, ideas of artists and is always inspiring, empowering and connecting.

    I was asked to display one of my paintings by Fleur Bravenboer, content manager at SHC.

    Everyday this platform share stories behind creativity. They always wonder what is on the mind of an artist. They capture different perspectives of art and share this with the world. For free, because SHC loves stories and art.

    This is my story on SHC:

    ‘From a young age I was interested in movements around us. My parents and school told me, in the ’60 when I was young, there is only air around us. But I knew that there was more. I can feel the energy and that’s what I like to paint. I feel it as a positive energy. My oeuvre radiates positivism, energy and warmth.’

    Take a look around the site to see more artwork of other creative artists!


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    • Ledeganckplein 7
    • 2524 CP, The Hague

      Mogelijkheid om de studio te bezoeken (op aanvraag)

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    Brighart for Brighter Art

    Logo Brighart - abstract art - positive and bright art - expressionism

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